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Clay potter Pen

Brigadier Mehboob Qadir is a retired officer of the Pakistan Army who has shared his insights on various military and strategic issues. He has been writing for newspapers like The Daily Times and The Nation beside magazines like Pakistan Defense Journal and Hilal since 1989. He has witnessed momentous national and international developments in his capacity as a Staff Officer to late Gen Zia, partially with Gen Baig, as Director General of Armed Forces Deputationists in KSA stationed in Riyadh and a long stint in ISI dealing with UN and international affairs.

The Barking Deer

Life has become too chaotic and most people’s brains turbines are churning too fast to produce extra voltage. That is why people’s stored static has begun to jump too often to startle those who might wish to get closer. This mutual repelling is not such a nice thing for happy living and a healthy society. I think it was time to disengage from our maddening WIFI- 5G captive routine and the heavy yoke of painful daily life, and pay attention to the generous gifts of healing nature laid out so lavishly around and above us. Look at the approaching Spring and imagine the invasion of colours, beautiful flowers, floating fragrances, and lovely bird calls. 

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Loss of the Great Ambiance

I feel humbled by the large number of people, young and old, sharing their worries, anguish and pain over the recent tumultuous turn of events. In which, by an apparently queer but predictable coincidence, most painfully and utterly unnecessarily the Army seems to have lost a good part of its popular goodwill and moral space among the countrymen. I also feel burdened beyond capacity and capability to offer advice, show a silver lining or make an informed comment in the presence of an enormous information haze and widespread disinformation cloud.

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Just why should it be so

Brig Mehboob Qadir


March 17, 2020

There are billions of people on earth connected through a network of humanity, compassion and care. Dormant but thankfully much less visible are the base instincts of violence and the urge to hurt others. These gross instincts are those human reflexes which act as the proverbial pebble, lobbed in the lake and create unwelcome ripples in people’s lives. Reflexes, because I believe mostly these instincts are not premeditated. Their nuisance had been equally recognised by God and man which resulted in holy edicts and a stream of punitive, preventive laws, but these were never enough. Since they have not been able to stop such painful eruptions, that brings one to a cardinal question. If there is a divine design in creation of the universe and the mankind on Earth then who does and should control tremors which tend to rock the societal equilibrium on Earth? For the present moment, the Universe can take care of itself, as right now we are talking of human pain and misery.

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Brig Mehboob Qadir


Brigadier Mehboob Qadir is a retired officer of the Pakistan Army who has shared his insights on various military and strategic issues. He has contributed to discussions on topics such as defense strategies, regional security, and military leadership, particularly focusing on the implications of Pakistan's defense posture, including its military threats and strategic depth. Qadir has been involved in analyzing the broader geopolitical dynamics and the challenges faced by Pakistan, including its relationship with neighboring India. His writings often emphasize the need for a realistic and pragmatic approach to military and defense strategies to ensure the nation's security and stability.

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